I told the whole office I have schizophrenia. Here's what happened.

Sally Littlefield • May 22, 2021

"People like us are dehumanized in the media a lot. So we want to begin by humanizing ourselves.”

“I have something I’ve wanted to say at work for a long time,” I begin. “I haven’t, because I’ve never heard of anyone ever doing this before, and part of me still can’t believe I’m about to do it. But it’s Mental Health Awareness Month, and I have something to say.”
Deep breath. Once I say it out loud, I can never take it back. Here goes nothing.
“I have schizophrenia.”
I’m on a Zoom call with my entire office. Literally every single employee, fellow, and intern. We even delayed the start time by ten minutes because a couple colleagues were stuck on a call so that I could make the announcement to all my coworkers at once. The pressure is on.
I made the decision to come out at work fairly spontaneously. I had emailed a friend to ask if he would do a presentation on psychotic illness at my job with me if I hypothetically decided to come out. When he emailed me back a very enthusiastic “yes,” I checked my work calendar and realized the head of the nonprofit organization I worked for was going out on leave in two days through the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Month in May. That gave me exactly one day to tell her I had schizoaffective disorder, which is a combination of schizophrenia and a mood disorder, and ask her if I could do a presentation on it at my workplace.
When she agreed to let me do the presentation – and responded to my coming out to her in pretty much the best way imaginable – it was game-changing. I hung out with some friends a couple days later, and they said I seemed more like my old self than I had at any point since the onset of my disorder. When I told one of my colleagues at the National Alliance on Mental Illness, San Francisco, where I volunteer, she burst into tears. None of us – myself included – ever thought I’d be able to be out about having such a serious mental illness in the workplace. But I was going to take the chance anyway.
Sadly, a series of awkward coming outs had taught me that a presentation would probably be necessary if I came out in my workplace. I’d gone through a phase earlier on in my recovery where I subconsciously believed that if I acted like I was perfectly okay with my diagnosis, perhaps I could will myself into being okay with it. I therefore told anyone who would listen that I had schizoaffective disorder, and I didn’t always get reactions that left me feeling great. People were at best confused, as nobody outside of the mental health advocacy sphere and the medical field really knows what schizoaffective disorder is. At worst, they were judgmental, projecting the worst stereotypes associated with schizophrenia and severe mental illness onto me. These experiences taught me that if I wanted to come out at work, I would need to explain my disorder and how I wanted to be treated in light of it.
So my co-presenter and I got right to work building a presentation from the ground up to destigmatize “psychotic” illness – or illness involving psychosis – in the workplace. We’d both done tons of mental health stigma reduction presentations before, but none quite like this. The workplace presentations I’d given in the past aimed to encourage audience members to start conversations and seek support for their own mental health, and they largely focused on depression and anxiety. I always felt a bit out of place sharing my story with schizoaffective disorder in those contexts, since as far as I know no audience member for any of those presentations could ever relate to my experience with a disorder that only affects less than one percent of the population.
But this presentation would be different. This wasn’t about the audience members and their mental health – this was about me and my mental illness. This was about breaking stereotypes that people like me are dangerous, violent, unpredictable, and unreliable. This was about training my coworkers to be allies to people like me who have some of the most stigmatized mental health conditions.
After my proclamation in front of the entire office, my co-presenter and I shared our personal journeys with psychotic illness. “People like us are dehumanized in the media a lot,” I explained. “So we want to begin by humanizing ourselves.”
My co-presenter went first and did a fantastic job, as I knew he would. When it was my turn, I told my whole story exactly as it happened, without glossing over any of the “craziest” things I did or believed. I explained how I believed a team of psychologists was controlling all aspects of my life and experimenting on me against my will for ten months. I told stories of talking to myself on the street, breaking into houses and cars, shoplifting, getting tackled by police officers, and getting sedated by injection against my will on multiple occasions. And my coworkers listened empathetically. They laughed at my jokes and flashed expressions of genuine concern when I talked about the stigma and discrimination I faced.
We then transitioned into a discussion of how my colleagues could be allies to people like my co-presenter and I. “I wanted to go over how you can use the most empowering language possible to talk about people with psychiatric disabilities,” I told them, “and I’m excited. It just feels really great to demand respect when you’ve been marginalized, so thank you for letting me do that.”
After the presentation was over, my coworkers broke into applause. More than half of the people who attended the presentation emailed me to thank me for it. My favorite note said that that person had already started conversations about psychotic illness with those around him.
It’s always a high to tell your story – to not have to apologize for having a mental illness – but it’s multiplied manifold when you do it in your own workplace. For days, I watched the recording I’d made of the presentation over and over again, cheering myself on. I showed it to my mom, my grandparents, and my friends in the mental health advocacy space.
Coming out at work is one of my proudest accomplishments. It doesn’t matter that it’s not the kind of thing I can put on my resume. I was brave and stood up for what I believe in, and I refused to hide or apologize for who I am. I believe the day will come that those with psychotic illness are accepted and respected, and it’s actions like this that will get us there.

Sally Littlefield graduated with honors from UC Berkeley and began a career in the nonprofit sector before experiencing the onset of schizoaffective disorder. She has since returned to a full time position in a non-profit organization and uses her lived experience to educate, support, and advocate for others experiencing serious mental illness. To learn more about her, visit her LinkedIn profile or personal website.

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On 11th November, GenMH University Mental Health Fellow, Gakii Mwithali, organised a hugely successful mental health training session attended by over 350 students of Egerton University in Kenya. The event was hosted by GULI Club and sponsored by GenMH, and focussed on the following topics: Mental Health Literacy; Sexual harassment and its implication on mental health among the youth; Contraception among the youth and its implications and; Effects of FGM on mental health among the youth.
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The current economic climate has had a significant impact on mental health. Lasting impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, along with increasing global instability have exacerbated existing mental health inequalities, disproportionately affecting marginalized communities. It's essential to prioritize mental health during these difficult times by seeking support, practicing self-care, and staying connected with others. However, looking after your mental health doesn't have to be expensive. Here are some low-cost or free ways to prioritize your mental well-being: Spend time in nature: From a short walk in your local park, to a weekend camping trip, taking a break from technology to spend some time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and promote feelings of wellbeing. Find new ways to be active: Exercise has numerous benefits for mental health, including reducing stress and anxiety. It can also be a great way to meet new people. You don't need an expensive gym membership; a simple walk, jog, or yoga session can make a significant difference. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help reduce stress and promote emotional refection. There are numerous free resources online, including guided meditation apps or videos on YouTube. Connect with others: Social connections are essential for mental health. It can be difficult to find time for friends and family in an increasingly online world. However, making time to go for a picnic with friends or joining a local social group can make a significant positive impact on your mental health. Prioritise sleep: Lack of sleep can contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression. Prioritize getting enough sleep each night by establishing a consistent sleep routine and limiting screen time before bed. Volunteer: Volunteering is a great way to meet like-minded people, give you an feeling of purpose and meaning, and also increase your self confidence. Consider volunteering with an organisation in your local community or even starting your own organisation/initiative! Looking after your mental health doesn't have to be expensive. By prioritizing self-care and making small changes to your daily routine, you can improve your mental well-being without breaking the bank.
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